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I’m a mom to three girls, prenatal nutrition expert and Registered Dietitian Nutritionist for you, the expecting mama who is ready to maximize her energy and optimize her pregnancy.


B.A. in Psychology, University of Virginia

B.S. in Dietetics, James Madison University

Dietetic Internship, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center

I have a decade of clinical experience working with patients and clients, and over five years of experience in the prenatal space.

My approach to prenatal wellness is very holistic. Not only do we address food and supplements, but we also look at sleep, stress, and gut health – all of which impact a mama’s energy, mood, and well-being. Beyond my work experience, I’ve been in your shoes – my two pregnancies (one singleton, one twin) were very different and incredible learning experiences.

To better understand the needs of your unique body, I use micronutrient lab testing. This way, I can provide food and supplement recommendations that are just for you!

I absolutely love working with mamas and can provide you with the tools needed for a vibrant, energized pregnancy that ends with a healthy baby in your arms – who doesn’t want that!


Shortly after I became pregnant with my first daughter, I had a major humbling moment – I was a nutritionist with years of training and experience, yet I wasn’t quite sure how to best fuel my pregnant body and support my baby’s development. Naturally, I became determined to uncover as much as I could about optimal nutrition in pregnancy. When I started to dive into the research, I realized that there was a lot of important nutrition information that wasn’t being shared with mamas in typical prenatal care. The little information that is shared is often outdated (largely because it takes >10 years for new research to make it into clinical practice and guidelines). Honestly, this got me really fired up – pregnancy is one of the most nutritionally demanding periods of the lifespan, so why aren’t women getting more personalized support and guidance? We’re talking about growing humans here!

At that point, I was working at the UVA Nutrition Counseling Center. I dove head-first into the women’s health space and started seeing more expecting mamas. I was able to witness first-hand the difference our work together was making in their overall prenatal wellness and health.

I knew I had to use my knowledge to help mamas like you optimize their nutrient intake and overall well-being.

So, I collaborated with leadership from the UVA Employee Wellness Program to develop and offer pre- and postnatal nutrition visits to employees. I was also appointed by Governor Ralph Northam to the Virginia Maternal Mortality Review Team. As a part of this board, I worked with an interdisciplinary team to develop interventions that improved pre- and postnatal support for new moms, thereby reducing preventable deaths. It was an eye-opening experience that continued to show me just how much expecting mamas need (and deserve) more support, care, and education.

Beyond my knowledge and experience…I’ve been where you are. As a mom of three, I know what it’s like to question everything, to wonder if you’re eating the “right” things or taking the right supplements, to wonder if it’s possible to not feel so dang tired.

My first pregnancy was easy-breezy, but my second pregnancy with my twins was no joke. Despite the increased challenges of a twin pregnancy (HELLO nausea!), I was able to apply all that I learned over the years, and I have no doubt it helped me avoid complications, have the energy to exercise until 37 weeks, and ultimately carry my twins to 38.5 weeks (and they were both over 7 lb!). Through the ups and the downs, I learned the importance of being gentle with my body, giving myself a ton of grace, and gathering a “team” of people to support my pregnancy and postpartum journey.

We can’t go it alone!

By 2022, I was finally ready to create the holistic prenatal nutrition and wellness program that I was searching for when my journey first began.

My signature service, the Nourished Mama Program, will show you how to confidently nourish and care for your pregnant body so you can maximize your energy, minimize uncomfortable symptoms, and build the healthiest baby possible.

I believe your pregnant body is unique, and that you already have a lot of wisdom about how to fuel it! My job is to work with you to discover what feels best.



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